Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall memories

Day 3 Writing Prompt from the SITS Girls fall blogging event: share one of your favorite fall memories with us, or something you look forward to each fall.

My husband and I dated for eight years, because, you know: you gotta be sure. Kidding. But we did take A WHILE to get engaged. We were enjoying our lives and careers, but finally decided to make it official and get married.

As we discussed wedding logistics and narrowed down our date choices, he said he really wanted to do it in the fall. Great! I did too. But what was his reason?

"Well, we met in the fall, so it always feels like "our" time of year, plus, fall is about change, like the changing of the seasons, and we're changing our relationship, making a lifetime commitment to each other. It just really feels appropriate."

Huh. Wow. I was just thinking it's more likely to still be a bit warm in the fall so I would be comfortable in my strapless dress. But what he said works too.

Our wedding was right at the start of fall, it was still warm, I was comfortable in my strapless dress, and eleven years later, fall still feels like "our" time of year.

Wedding day, September 2001

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